電腦效能應用與安全研究室 Performance, Applications and Security Lab


2010年5月18日 星期二

Clouds and MapReduce for Scientific Applications

雲端運算是否是用於科學工程計算?大哉問!沒有人能斷言是或不是。Indiana University這篇報告列出了一些要點,是不錯的參考資料。

Cloud computing is at the peak of the Gartner technology hype curve[2] but there are good reasons to believe that as it matures that it will not disappear into their trough of disillusionment but rather move into the plateau of productivity as have for example service oriented architectures. Clouds are driven by large commercial markets where IDC estimates that clouds will represent 14% of IT expenditure in 2012 and there is rapidly growing interest from government and industry. There are several reasons why clouds should be important for large scale scientific computing...


